March 17, 2016

2016 Coaching Groups for Grant Proposal Writing and Professional Development: Actively Writing NIH-Style Proposals

National Research Mentoring Network is a nationwide consortium of biomedical professionals and institutions collaborating to provide all trainees across the biomedical, behavioral, clinical and social sciences with evidence-based
March 8, 2016

NIH eSubmission Items of Interest - February 29, 2016

NIH grants policy and the application process are continuously changing and adapting to new requirements. New policies and form updates are par for the course.
February 24, 2016

IRB Revised Guidance for Subject Recruitment Materials

Recruitment materials (flyers, posters, ads) for minimal risk studies may now specify the incentive amount, a change in practice recently approved by the LLUH IRB.  If investigators choose to include this information, they should also specify the
March 8, 2016

Requirement for the Appropriate Signatures on NIH Forms and Official Documentation

The purpose of this Guide Notice is to inform NIH applicants and recipients that as of the effective dates reflected in table below, NIH will no longer accept forms or other documentation bearing generic departmental signatures or their electronic equivalent (e.g., Department of Sponsored Research).
February 24, 2016

Announcement of an Available Volunteer

Once in a while it is amazing what you can get for FREE ! High-skill -level basic  scientist in cell biology, molecular biology, and protein expression is VOLUNTEERING  to help with your research. This gentleman is detail-oriented clinical
February 26, 2016

Notice of Availability of The National Children's Study (NCS) Archive

NICHD is issuing this Notice to alert interested investigators to the availability of the National Children's Study Vanguard Data and Sample Archive and Access System.