Loma Linda University School of Public Health

Your news

What's been happening in your life since you put away your graduation robe and left Loma Linda University School of Public Health?

We'd like to share alumni updates in future issues of Sphere. Please tell us news about your career, family, and achievements. We'd be happy for you to include a photo or any clippings of news articles in which you've been featured.

E-mail your news and high-resolution photo to <sphere@llu.edu>. Or, fill out this form, and submit your news below.

Name (including maiden name if applicable):
Mailing address:
Phone number:
E-mail address:
Year(s) of SPH graduation/degree(s) received:
Spouse's name and connection to LLU, if any
(including maiden name if applicable):
Children's names, birthdays,
and connection to LLU, if any:
Your news:
I have read and agree to Loma Linda University's terms and privacy policy, and confirm that my identity and all information is factual.
I would like to receive periodic updates and announcements from the University.